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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Maypole Pit Disaster Aug 18th 1908


Pit Ponies
Pit Ponies
Views: 2,316
Item #: 27288
Pit Ponies brought to the surface after the disaster

Comment by: G .W. on 23rd December 2015 at 20:45

This photo well documents the shock and horror of the event to both Man and Beast. An important piece of photographic history,thanks Ron.

Comment by: Tom1303 on 24th December 2015 at 02:33

I went down the Big Pit in Wales a few years ago, run by the Welsh Heritage. Our guide told me that if there was an accident that killed a pit pony the owners would hold an inquiry, but not if it killed a miner. The reason I was told it cost the owner money to buy a pit pony.

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