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N C B workshops Kirkless


Kirkless  Apprentices
Kirkless Apprentices
Photo: Paul Fairhurst
Views: 7,631
Item #: 12241
A night out in 1970/71 all the lads except one were apprentices in the Electric Shop at NCB Workshops Kirkless. Great times at Kirkless with a great bunch of lads. I think the pub is The Commercial.
Line up is as follows: Eric Litherland (not NCB) Paul Fairhurst, Geoff Dawber, Phil ?? John Fitzgerald and Phil Banks.

Comment by: david whittle on 17th October 2009 at 20:14

first bloke is Eric Leyland he is a carpenter,saw him at Jimmy Seddons funeral,not changed a bit looks like hes been in time tunnel,i think he had same suit on plus i bet he didnt buy a round

Comment by: paul goodman on 17th October 2009 at 20:23


Comment by: Paul Fairhurst on 17th October 2009 at 21:20

Yes it is Eric Leyland -I'm easily confused. I first met Eric when he used to go to Riley's Gym for a short time. Our regular haunt was the The Grand Hotel (lots of talent in The Grand on a Friday night. Then it was over the road to a night club called Sloopy's - I might be wrong with that name as well.

Comment by: david whittle on 17th October 2009 at 21:29

did jennett ryan work in bank next to bees knees and live opposite wigan park, did her sister marry Harold ? cant remem his second name. they were both beutifull girls

Comment by: Paul Goodman on 18th October 2009 at 08:52

The Ryan sisters Jeanette & Gwen originally from Caroline St. Gwen married Harold Foster got divorced then married Kevin Hurst. All roads seem to lead to Plank Lane.

Comment by: John J. on 18th October 2009 at 19:58

God,look at the curtains: absolutely filthy.

Comment by: david whittle on 18th October 2009 at 20:08

well Paul your a mine of info, Kev was the original Forrest except looks like he got the girl, started work first day with kev dont know who was thickest him or me? bet hes the richest now though.

Comment by: phil Banks on 30th October 2009 at 19:24

Where did dig that from Paul?
How's everyone keeping?

Comment by: brianjgreen on 14th November 2009 at 20:28

yes thats eric leyland i was the first DJ at sloopys and use to go to tech with eric.go round wigan meet in grand and on to sloopys

Comment by: Roy on 21st January 2010 at 09:56

John J,I think you've got it wrong about the curtains,the 'marks' on them are shadows of the lads heads caused by the camera flash.

Comment by: Big Ted on 16th May 2011 at 10:00

The lad next to geoff dawber is Phil Williams (Pip)as he was known.I served my time at the same time and was mates of these lads.If i am not mistaken Geoff was courting foe quite a while with Gwen Ryan if it was the daughter of Martin Ryan W.R.L.

Comment by: Geoff Dawber on 7th April 2012 at 17:10

The pub was the Victoria (next to Wallgate Station). Paul, you were a Kirkless legend. They reckon those trailer cables have still not dried out (Ha! Ha!). Hope you're keeping well.

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