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Demolition Of The Empire Cooper's Row
Demolition Of The Empire Cooper's Row
Photo: Duncan
Views: 2,802
Item #: 19570
The Empire started as a music hall, became a picture house then a Bingo Hall before being demolished in the late 1970s.

Comment by: Ron Hunt on 11th January 2012 at 23:17

Thanks Duncan, Another great historical photograph. I haven't seen any photos of the Empire but it was a building with no frontage.

Comment by: Dave Marsh on 12th January 2012 at 08:52

There was still a music hall sign up there in the forties/ fifties.We used to poke about under the window of the projection room looking for bits of film that had been discarded.

Comment by: Ron Hunt on 12th January 2012 at 12:45

I remember going there once to watch a film about submarines, 'RUN SILENT RUN DEEP' (I was fascinated with submarines and still watch the old war films about them now, when they are on the TV. I watched one yesterday 'THE ENEMY BELOW' Must have seen it a dozen times <g>). When I came out, I was full of small white flakes, that looked liked dandruff, but it was bits of plaster falling from the roof.<g>

Comment by: Duncan on 12th January 2012 at 16:01

Thanks Ron, I am pleased you enjoy them.

Comment by: carol on 13th January 2012 at 08:53

Whereabouts was/is coopers row?

Comment by: Duncan on 13th January 2012 at 10:14

Carol, Cooper's Row is off Wigan Marketplace, where the John Bull Pub is (the white building just visible to the left of the photo.)

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