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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Pearce family Upholland Nr Wigan


Last trip to Wigan
Last trip to Wigan
Photo: Martin Pearce
Views: 2,527
Item #: 12412
Colin Pearce last trip back to Wigan 2006.
His working in the mines like a lot of blokes in the area started to catch up with him.COPD.
Photo by Martin Pearce.

Comment by: Barbara Sherrington ( Webster) on 3rd November 2009 at 13:25

And still kept the beard I see!

Comment by: Helen on 3rd November 2009 at 15:20

Your Father's looks didn't change much over the years Martin. All these photos that you have shared...he must have always had a camera handy, ready for the moment a picture presented itself.

Its also an interesting pic for me as I can now see what happened to the street where the Ritz Cinema was....queued outside many a time with my sister Anne. If I remember rightly there was a cafe upstairs ?

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