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Rose Bridge Colliery
Rose Bridge Colliery
Photo: Peter Francis
Views: 2,444
Item #: 24937
This photo was taken around 1910 .
It was either taken at Rose Bridge colliery or Ince Hall colliery . Both collieries were owned by W&T Latham at the time . I would appreciate any advise as to which colliery it is.
Peter Francis

Comment by: winder on 9th March 2014 at 19:03

I've been looking through the records and cannot find where the Latham Bros owned one of the Ince Hall Coll pits.
They did own Rose Bridge pit and another called East Cannel Pits which was on the North side of Manchester Rd near Ince Bar. As for the photo I don't think it's Rose Bridge.

Comment by: Neil Cain on 15th March 2014 at 09:23

Can't make out the wording on the waggon, looks like Simpson? then united? The big S letter may give a clue to those with more knowledge

Comment by: Peter francis on 20th March 2014 at 09:00

The company names on the wagons are Latham bros on the one on the left and Simpson & Davies on the other. The Latham brothers are the ones standing in front of this wagon.
On the other photo of the same colliery is William junior.

I am still trying to find out the name of this coliery .
Any ideas

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