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Aspull Methodist


Aspull Methodist School and Chapel
Aspull Methodist School and Chapel
Photo: Walter Southern
Views: 2,407
Item #: 23174
Methodist Chapel and old school entrance taken one week before they were demolished, thanks to Linda Rutter (nee Hulme) for the pics.

Comment by: Den S on 11th April 2013 at 16:03

Brings back memories of the 50s Walter, and of the teachers, Mrs Dickson, Mrs Moss and Mrs Stott who was not slow at slapping the back of your a hand with a ruler on occasions. We usually deserved it and it never did anyone any harm. Happy days.

Comment by: walt (Nth Yorks) on 12th April 2013 at 20:09

Yes Dennis I remember well and its over sixty years ago now,I remember Mr Thomas, Mr Cadman, and Mr Owen as well.

Comment by: L INDA WAS HULME on 12th April 2013 at 22:41


Comment by: Dorothy nee Pendlebury on 9th January 2014 at 19:01

Does anyone remember Mr. Greenhalgh the School Welfare Officer

Comment by: walt (North Yorkshire) on 30th June 2014 at 21:55

Hi Dorothy, just noticed your last comment about Mr Greenalgh, yes I remember him, and his AJS motorcycle, he wore a leather helmet with those split glass goggles and do you remember the chappy who would tune the piano, he was blind, his dog would sit alongside him whilst he worked !, Good to look back isn't it.

Comment by: Dorothy Guest - nee Pendlebury on 3rd November 2014 at 11:45

Hi Walt. I do remember the chappie tuning the piano, I think he went to all the schools. What year were you at Wigan Rd Methodist school. Which
School did you go to when you left, and what was the year. It is good to to reminisce.

Comment by: walt (North Yorkshire) on 2nd December 2014 at 23:00

Hi Dorothy, sorry but I have only just seen your comments... I was at this school from 1952 until leaving for Aspull Secondary school in 1958/9. I left school in 1962 and started working for a living. I'm now retired and have lived over in North Yorkshire since 1983. - I guess you were at this school before me, Best wishes.

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