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Ashton Grammar School


Ashton-in-Makerfield Grammar School 1964
Ashton-in-Makerfield Grammar School 1964
Photo: Shirley Touhey (nee Sutton)
Views: 9,868
Item #: 9530
Thought I'd post this photo as there are very few on the website of the old school. A few of the pupils in the fifth form will be turning 60 this year, as I am, so Happy Birthday !

Comment by: Kath Nicholson nee Roberts on 26th February 2009 at 22:18

Hi Shirley, What a great photo, I am on this I did my first year at the old school and then moved on to the new one on warrington rd. So nice to see this photo especially as the old school isn't there any more, thanks for sharing

Comment by: Shirley Touhey on 27th February 2009 at 20:36

Thanks Kath, Whereabouts on the photo are you? I am on part 3 second row from the back, the last girl on the row before the boys start. Joyce Collier is in front of me, don't know if you know her, she lived on Poplar Ave and I lived in Cedar Grove. Good to hear from you.

Comment by: Kath Nicholson nee Roberts on 27th February 2009 at 23:40

Hi Shirley, Just found you on the other photo. I am sitting, front row, 10th from the right and yes I do remember Joyce and also her younger sister, Joan. In fact Joan, myself, and your sister June knocked around together for a while, and my sister Glenda's first love was your step-brother Dave! Ask him if his bread van that he drove the group that she sang with around in was reg no. GJP770. She reckons it was!! What a memory, I told her it must have been love! LOL

Comment by: John Smith on 17th March 2009 at 04:00

Can anyone tell me if Christine Nichols is on this photo? she wore glasses and had red hair, she lived in the Blackbrook area, she might be 3rd row down 10th from the right. She had a friend who might be on here too called Francine. Christine's parents had the chip shop on Riding Lane estate.

Comment by: Roger on 19th March 2009 at 19:26

The girl you describe I remember as Christine MacDonald. Her friend was Francine Garner. Looking at the original photo, Christine is 9th from the right and Francine 11th.

Comment by: John Smith on 23rd March 2009 at 04:57

We mean the same person Frank, 10th from the left, 9th from the right, but I wouldn't have picked Francine. Christine and I had a crush on each other for a while in those days, but I went to the Central school, unheard of eh? You wouldn't know where she is these days would you?
Thanks for that

Comment by: John Smith on 24th March 2009 at 08:51

I should haved called you Roger..... sorry Frank

Comment by: Edna Harris (Hurst) on 17th July 2009 at 21:51

Great to see this photo on Wigan World.Kathryn, we were in 3A, Room 6.Miss Packard was our Form Teacher.Happy Days.

Comment by: John Smith on 28th August 2010 at 06:57

I've found out Christine Macdonald now lives on the Gold Coast in Queensland, I emailed her from Friends Reunited but she hasn't replied.
If any of you girls on here are in contact with her, please ask her to write, a quick hello never hurt anyone.
Also Francine Garner.
Thank you so much

Comment by: susan killilea on 17th May 2011 at 21:09

my name was Susan Pilling and I can't really tell if I am on that pic. I am 60 in October and I was at the school in 1964

Comment by: susan killilea on 19th May 2011 at 22:02

i have found me!! third row down from the back , at the end on the right, god what a sulky mush !!
I think I can see my best school friend Ruth Hudson also

Comment by: margaret hesketh nee cannon on 12th September 2011 at 12:07

Hi Susan Only just looked at this site I remember you from school days did you live in Haydock i am also 60 in october back living in Ashton now Happy days werent they My main time at the school was spent doing sports ,athletics and hockey on a saturday morning with Verona Nolan

Comment by: Christine Mackenzie nee holmes on 13th April 2012 at 20:36

Just found this site. Can't see myself but recognise others from my year (O Levels on 1968). 60th birthday reunion on Sat June 18th at Bay Horse, 2.30pm onwards. Ruth Hudson, Susan Pilling, Brian Griffin, Gwyneth Hughes amongst lots (hopeully) of others will be there. Would love to see as many as possible.

Comment by: linda bithell on 19th April 2012 at 02:49

Hi Margaret,i hope you remember me,we went to St Peters school together,then when we went to the big school,we sort of lost touch.I now live in Australia.

Comment by: christine mackenzie ( nee holmes) on 23rd April 2012 at 16:34

Re my previous comment about 60th reunion, please note correct date is Saturday 16th June, 2.30pm onwards. Hope to see as many as possible.

Comment by: margaret cannon on 22nd June 2012 at 11:11

hi linda of course i remember you from St Peters you were my bestest friend I can still remember walking down to the Rabbit run on our last day at Little school before we went on to Secondary and saying goodbye to each other as we were going on to different high schools Hope you and yours ok you certainly got awawy from Bryn didnt you ha ha !!!

Comment by: Susanne on 22nd August 2021 at 09:52

I am on this susanne née Eden 5th one along, full back row.

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