Wigan Album
Poolstock (comet)football team
6 CommentsPhoto: Ken Broxson
Item #: 18718
Looks like Mark Prescott 2nd from the left front row.
Looks like a mixed team with all those "girls" with long hair
I have spotted mike brooks, connel galliger and the broxton twins .Rather whelley midddle or whitley high.
the lad in the middle playin with his hands is brian porter i think
Front Row Johnny Watts Mark Prescott Mike Brooks John Catterall Tony Burp Byrom Connell Gallagher
Standing Julian Pendleton (Leather coat he still has) Darren Hughes(peeping) Paul Mills Tommy Porter Broxon Twins, Steve Nickson, Mike Richardson, agh ?, Dave Mills, on the shoulders of Darrel Goulding is Paul 'Moggy', Ian Broxon, and Ged Cunliffe. Sorry can't remeber the others. ot a bad team at all.
John Watts is my brother and he's turning 50. If anyone knows the whereabouts of Michael Richardson could you please contact me I would like to get back in touch? Thanks!