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Hobbies / Books   (Gardening, walking, books, films, theatre etc.)

Started by: momac (12484) 

Hello all, weathermen have predicted very cold weather..it's strange what
memories are brought to mind with various temperatures,when I was a
little un' my Grandma would tie a very thick scarf around my neck then
across my chest,and then right round the back then bring it round to the
front again and put a great big pin in it..no wonder I'm soft where the cold
is concerned.

Oh well enough dreaming Mo..

Hello Ray,have you got any of your appetite back...I hope so..
Marie..enjoy your mooch..I love a good mooch in the shops.

Thanks our Lizzie,yes spontaneity beats having an orderly life any day..Cliff is so different to me..some days I just feel like taking off and going where
my feet will take me,seeing things and places,but there you go...xx💜

Replied: 19th Nov 2018 at 13:41

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