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Hobbies / Books   (Gardening, walking, books, films, theatre etc.)

Started by: raymyjamie (6857)

A very good Monday to all.
A bright sunny but very cold day here, 5C forecast.
The overnight snow has 'stuck' here in Howfen, about 1 cm, but is trying to melt slowly, I hate the stuff with a veangence!!!!!.
Hope we can venture out this arvo.
It's Hindley History Society monthly meeting tonight, really looking forward to it.

Mo, glad you've got your dryer sorted, thankfully you'll be fixed up tomorrow., and yes I do like the word 'profoundly'.

nova-latino-viola-snot-slot-vino (my favourite word LOL )

I found the words hard to come by today.
Well done to Marie.
Loads more for Mo and Vince.
Hope you're on the mend Vince.

Lizzie, enjoy your much more comfortable weather, I'm sure it's a relief.
Thanks for the start of our weekly wordage

Replied: 12th Feb 2018 at 13:08

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