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Hobbies / Books   (Gardening, walking, books, films, theatre etc.)

Started by: momac (12484) 

Hello all..Ray,I've just finished baking,also made a fruit loaf for Jan next
door,she's had to have a metal plate put in her wrist ...I feel sorry for her

Off we go..cede,dacha,dace.bade.

Watch Vince get more.

Ray we had to get one of those dehumidifiers in the other house we had,
but it was rising damp and we had to move..most of Beech Hill was built on
old pits we haven't had any trouble here though...when we all had gas fires
there was never any problems with damp was there.

Ta our Lizzie..I bet your hair looks very nice,you have thick hair don't you.
xx 💜

Replied: 5th Jan 2018 at 13:53

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