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Hobbies / Books   (Gardening, walking, books, films, theatre etc.)

Started by: raymyjamie (6857)

A very good day to all.
A cool cloudy day here in Blighty, just trying to rain at the moment, I do hope we can get a walk in later.
A lazy morning resting after my busy week of wallpapering, glad it's done anyroad.

Are you painting today Mo?
Glad you got your password sorted Marie.


Not a high word count today so I've left some for Our Mo.
Vince is on his travels today.
Have a great weekend everybody.

Lizzie, you are good neighbours aren't you.
We keep our eye on our next door when he's away.
We have some new neighbours moving in on the other side, the lady called to say hello during the week and she seemed very nice.
There are four adults and three children moving in.
Thankfully we are detached with a good distance between the houses.
Thank you for looking after us notreets all week, you're a Star.
Have a great weekend

Replied: 2nd Dec 2017 at 13:00

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