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Sports   (Talk about balls here.)

Started by: GOLDEN BEAR (6754) 

What a shocker tonight i settled down for the MNF ON SKY and to be honest i was really wanting Liverpool to bury LEICESTER ,for what i believe was a bloody nasty way to treat the manager. Well you could have blown me away i know 3-1 was good but the alarm bells must be ringing about KLOPP i don't mean sacking him ,but the pool's performance, it was well below par and then you had i suppose the inevitable those rats( not foxes) came out of the traps on fire ,all i want to know why not play like that for RANIERI???? IT just stuck in my gullit what they did they played 4-4-2 has Claudio played so what the hell is going on?? As for L/pool what next????

Replied: 28th Feb 2017 at 04:30

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