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Wigan Genealogy

MCGAULEY, Sylvia C - any

Posted by: William Collins
Notes / Message
My uncle Cyril Jones and his wife Agnes [formerly Aspinwall] lived at 14 Schofields Lane in Wigan. I believe they had 2 children. I lost contact with my uncle in 1960 and I do know that he passed away in 1990. I am very keen to locate my cousins. I do not know their christian names and think they were a boy and a girl and would be in their 60s. Any information would be of great help as if I can find them then, I may be able to locate my half brother and half sister who I have only just found out about.

Requiring help with these family names:

Surname / Forename Year
      any any
      Clifford any
      Sylvia C any
